Strategic Plan Progress

2020-2025 Strategic Plan

Updated Summer 2024


关键绩效指标(kpi)是实现预期结果的关键(关键)可量化指标. kpi为战略和运营改进提供了重点, 为决策创造一个分析基础,并帮助将注意力集中在最重要的事情上(哈洛), 2022).

To learn more about the KPI dashboards below, 请点击仪表板右上角的信息(i)页. If you have questions or feedback about the dashboards, 请提交此表格或致电(734)384-4237或qwygonik@monroeccc与IR办公室联系.edu.

Goal 1: Student Access and Success


100 percent complete
1.1.a) Implement a 30-hour degree audit communication system.

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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, , SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


100 percent complete

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.2 Student Support Services, SS.4 Developing Career Goals, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


60 percent progress bar

1.2.a)进行排课效率报告,按部门确定最佳排课时间, program, etc.

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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, , SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

1.2.c) Develop a new class option entitled “student choice.”

0 percent progress bar

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

1.2.e) Develop structured online program pathways.

0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


88 percent progress bar


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

1.3.b)Streamline and expand academic boot camp offerings, 包括建立一个读写训练营.

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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.3 Developmental Math Need, SPr.4 Developmental Math Progress, SPr.5 College Math Completion by Developmental Students, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.1-SP.4 Assessment, SP.5 Course GPA, SP.6 Course Pass Rate, SP.7 Course Withdrawal Rate, SP.8 GPA After Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience


50 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.1-SP.4 Assessment, SP.5 Course GPA, SP.6 Course Pass Rate, SP.7 Course Withdrawal Rate, SP.8 GPA After Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience

Goal 2 Relevant and Innovative Education


33 percent progress bar


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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.2 Program Assessment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.3 Acquiring Work/Transfer Knowledge, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3双注册到非双注册的转换,注册,SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.2 Program Assessment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, , SS.3 Acquiring Work/Transfer Knowledge, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

2.1.b) Based on assessment analysis, identify relevant programming that is in line with industry, employer, and student preferences, 包括针对MCCC目前未提供的新项目的建议,以及应在2022年冬季之前根据该分析取消的项目.

50 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.2 Program Assessment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.3 Acquiring Work/Transfer Knowledge, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


67 percent ptegress

2.2a)设立一个“体验式学习协调员”的职位,旨在创造, organizing, and managing experiential learning opportunities

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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3双注册到非双注册的转换,注册,SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.2 Program Assessment

Student Satisfaction KPIs 

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.3 Acquiring Work/Transfer Knowledge, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

2.2.b1)对体验式学习进行全面的需求评估,以建立雇主, industry, transfer-partner institution, 以及学生在2021年秋季之前规划未来战略教学努力的需求.

50 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.2 Program Assessment

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.3 Acquiring Work/Transfer Knowledge, SS.4 Developing Career Goals

2.2.b2) Expand on, 开发新的体验式学习项目,包括但不限于实习, apprenticeships, clinicals, practicums, field placement experiences and Study Abroad. 到2022年秋季末,这将包括虚拟、基于时间、混合或基于能力的项目.

50 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual , nrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.2 Program Assessment

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.3 Acquiring Work/Transfer Knowledge, SS.4 Developing Career Goals


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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


100 percent

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

2.3.c2)完成对指导员工互动的大学政策的全面审查,并更新相关政策以反映道德规范, expected conduct, and harassment, etc. by the end of Fall 2021.

100 percent complete

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


50 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


50 percent progress bar


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


100 percent progress bar image

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.3 Employee Perceptions of Shared , Governance, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


50 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.3 Employee Perceptions of Shared Governance, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

2.4.b1) GEC将在2023年冬季开始之前管理2022年理事会共享治理模式评估调查报告,以衡量员工对学院共享治理的满意度.

0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.3 Employee Perceptions of Shared Governance, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

2.4.b2) GEC 2022 CMSG评估调查报告将在2023年冬季结束前证明员工满意度的改善*.

0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.3 Employee Perceptions of Shared Governance, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3双注册到非双注册的转换,注册,SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3双注册到非双注册的转换,注册,SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

2.5.b1)建立标准化的学术课程转学/衔接指南和协议, including centralization of recordkeeping, evaluation and renewal by the end of Winter 2022.

0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


0 percent progress bar

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


0 percent progress bar

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual  Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

2.5.b5)尽可能将通识教育要求与密歇根转学协议(MTA)相一致. 在2021年秋季结束前提高学生的MTA成绩.

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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3双注册到非双注册的转换,注册,SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors


33 percent progress bar

2.6a)将现有职位正规化并聘请/重组为协调者来监督衔接, 到2021年秋季末,直接大学和双录取机会.

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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, , D.2 High School Market Share, SD.3双注册到非双注册的转换,注册,SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

2.6.生成与发音相关的当前和潜在合作伙伴/关系的列表, 到2022年冬季结束时,直接大学和双录取机会.

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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

2.6.b2)制定一个与2中列出的伙伴关系建立/保持关系的计划.6b1 (e.g., high school articulation coordinators, principals, counselors, superintendents, industry, secondary CTE) by the end of Fall 2022.

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- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors

2.6.c1)对支持协调伙伴关系的现有课程和课程进行全面评估, 寻找机会在2023年夏季开始之前扩大项目并创造新的机会.

0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3双注册到非双注册的转换,注册,SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success


0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3双注册到非双注册的转换,注册,SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success


0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success

Goal 3: Create a Student-focused Environment

OBJECTIVE 3.以学生为中心,全面评估校园

67 percent ptegress

3.1a)选择方法,通过多个和不同的视角来映射学生体验,以识别关键服务, 过程和物理环境,以确保他们在2021年冬季开始时以学生为中心.

100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.3 Employee Perceptions of Shared , Governance, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.4 Non-Credit Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.1-SP.4 Assessment, SP.5 Course GPA

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.3 Developmental Math Need, SPr.4 Developmental Math Progress, SPr.5 College Math Completion by Developmental Students, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.2 Student Services, SS.3 Acquiring Work-Related Knowledge, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.3 Employee Perceptions of Shared Governance, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.4 Non-Credit Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.1-SP.4 Assessment, SP.5 Course GPA

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.3 Developmental Math Need, SPr.4 Developmental Math Progress, SPr.5 College Math Completion by Developmental Students, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.2 Student Services, SS.3 Acquiring Work-Related Knowledge, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

3.1c)制定一个干预计划,支持一个更加以学生为中心的环境. 该计划将包括优化人力资源资本和流程的空间,以便在2022年冬季结束前更好地支持学生的需求和偏好.

0 percent progress bar

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.3 Employee Perceptions of Shared Governance, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.4 Non-Credit Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Performance KPIs

  • SP.1-SP.4 Assessment, SP.5 Course GPA

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.3 Developmental Math Need, SPr.4 Developmental Math Progress, SPr.5 College Math Completion by Developmental Students, SPr.6 Enrolled in Math by Time, SPr.7 Math Pathway Completion by Time, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.9 Transferred within Time Span, SPr.10 Inquiry to Registration Conversion, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.2 Student Services, SS.3 Acquiring Work-Related Knowledge, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


67 percent ptegress


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement


100 percent complete

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement


100 percent complete

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement


100 percent complete

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement

3.2b)制定计划,使人力资源与学院的战略方向保持一致, 根据学生经历过程映射的结果和到2022年秋季末的员工评估结果. 3.2 .过渡人员,以满足MCCC学生当前和未来的需求.

0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement

3.2c)根据计划中人力资源部门的建议(策略3).2b), 内阁将在2023年夏季开始之前进行人员过渡,以满足MCCC学生当前和未来的需求.

0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement

OBJECTIVE 3.开发新的培训和专业发展实践

60 percent progress bar


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement


0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement


0 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement

3.3c) Schedule regular, 从2020年秋季开始,每学期为所有员工提供强制性和有吸引力的培训机会,以促进更具包容性的文化.

100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


75 percent progress bar


50 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

3.4b) Make recommendations on spaces, 在整个校园开发项目和/或虚拟体验,以促进包容性, equity and celebrate cultural diversity.

100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

OBJECTIVE 3.5 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Create a culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to assure that everyone (students, employees, visitors) who comes on campus feels a sense of belonging.

90 percent


100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging, E.5 Employee Diversity, E.6 Applicant Diversity

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.4 Non-Credit Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

3.5b) Hire a consultant to develop a comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Plan by the end of Winter 2021.

100 percent progress bar image

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging, E.5 Employee Diversity, E.6 Applicant Diversity

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.4 Non-Credit Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


50 percent progress bar

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging, E.5 Employee Diversity, E.6 Applicant Diversity

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.4 Non-Credit Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

3.5d)将DEI委员会的工作与计划的DEI空间联系起来(参见策略3).4b) by the beginning of Summer 2021.

100 percent complete

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging, E.5 Employee Diversity, E.6 Applicant Diversity

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.4 Non-Credit Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, SS.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging

3.5e) Engage the community to support MCCC diversity, equity, 和包容性倡议,并在2021年秋季之前在社区范围内采用.

100 percent complete

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Employee Dashboard KPIs

  • E.1 Employee Satisfaction, E.2 Employee Engagement, , E.4 Employee Perceptions of DEI/Belonging, E.5 Employee Diversity, E.6 Applicant Diversity

Student Demographic KPIs

  • SD.1 Enrollment, SD.2 High School Market Share, SD.3 Conversion of Dual Enrollment to Non-Dual Enrollment, SD.4 Non-Credit Enrollment, SD.5 Credit & Non-Credit Enrollment

Student Progress KPIs

  • SPr.1 Fall-to-Winter Retention, SPr.2 Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate, SPr.8 Graduated within Time Span, SPr.11 Graduation after Transfer

Student Satisfaction KPIs

  • SS.1 Educational Experience, SS.5 Potential Retention Factors, S.6 Challenges to Student Success, SS.7 Student Perceptions of DEI/Belonging


Harlow, J. (2022, September 20). What is a key performance indicator (KPI)?.